28 Oct 2021

Halloween and Diwali celebrations

Please take note of the following arrangements around upcoming events recognised by members of our school community.



We have seen an increase locally over the past few years in the popularity of children dressing up for Halloween and we are often asked if that is permitted at RCHK. Your child or children can indeed come to school in his/her spookiest, funniest, or favourite Halloween costume on Friday, 29 October 2021.

Please keep in mind, however:

  • No weapons, depictions of violence, gore, political figures or provocative costumes.
  • As per a normal school day at present, students must wear surgical face masks at all times – Halloween masks will not be accepted as a substitute.



We have also a growing number of members of our school community who celebrate Diwali. Your child is invited to dress in traditional clothing if they choose on Thursday, 4 November 2021.


Please understand that coming to school dressed for these events is not an expectation but a choice for you and your family. 


Posted 28 October 2021; 14:40