

In the MYP, Science comprises elements of the traditional subjects of biology, chemistry and physics. Also included are topics, concepts and issues from other branches of science, such as earth and health sciences.

The study of science aims to provide students with both a body of knowledge and an understanding of the scientific approach to problem-solving. The ability to formulate hypotheses, design and carry out experiments to test them, and evaluate results constitutes the framework within which specific content is presented.

Students are also encouraged to relate the content of the classroom and laboratory to the realities of life as they develop critical-thinking and problem-solving skills. Among other skills, students are expected to:

  • Use basic laboratory equipment safely and efficiently
  • Make sensible estimates and take accurate measurements
  • Make scientifically supported arguments


Science courses promote an awareness of the increasingly international context of scientific activity — its impact and limitations — and the constant evolution of scientific knowledge and understanding. Students are encouraged to consider science as a constantly evolving cooperative venture between individuals and among members of the international community, influenced by social, economic, technological, political, ethical and cultural surroundings.

Learning activities at Renaissance College include experiments, research assignments, fieldwork, and Science Fair projects. Some activities are carried out individually, while group activities help to develop social and communication skills. Information and communication technology plays a central role – the use of interactive data-logging apparatus, digital imaging equipment, laptops, the internet and web-based forums all enhance the teaching and learning of science.

Assessment Criteria

Teachers apply evidence collected about student learning and achievement to award a grade based on the student’s attainment against the MYP assessment criterion descriptors in the following criteria:

  • Criterion A – Knowing and understanding
  • Criterion B – Inquiring and designing
  • Criterion C – Processing and evaluating
  • Criterion D – Reflecting on the impact of science
Student grades are formulated using the published MYP assessment criteria with RCHK task-specific clarifications. Students will be assessed using a best-fit approach where they are given many opportunities to demonstrate their learning through in-class activities, tasks and discussions, worksheets, homework, and other assessments.


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