3 Apr 2024

RCHK Photo Contest

With the aim of celebrating multiliteracy and the power of visual storytelling, we are excited to announce our first Photography Contest. We firmly believe that every picture has a story to tell. Jointly organised by the Chinese Department and the RAPT, we would like to provide a platform for you to showcase your talents and your unique perspectives.

The winners will be awarded prizes and certificates for their outstanding artistic achievements. Selected work will be published in our annual Chinese magazine New Enlightenment.


Key details:
  1. Eligibility: Open to all RCHK students, staff, and parents/guardians.
  2. Theme and Equipment: No restrictions on themes or equipment used, but focus on visual storytelling with your unique perspectives and creative skills.
  3. Deadline: Tuesday, 30 April 2024
  4. Awards & Prizes:
  • 1st place: 500 worth of supermarket vouchers + RCHK Bear
  • 2nd place: 300 worth of supermarket vouchers
  • 3rd place: 100 worth of supermarket vouchers
  1. Submission Method: Submit ONE picture taken within the past 6 months (JPG format no larger than 10MB) via the Google form.



Posted: 3 April 2024, 10.48