RAPT Events

Highlight Events

Coffee Mornings/Afternoons

Scouting at RCHK - 17 January 2020

Group Scout Leader Anthony Chan talked about fun and exciting scouting activities at RCHK, including weekly meetings, camping, hikes, visits and community services.

Thank You - 5 December 2019

RAPT coordinated this special Coffee Morning to thank all parent volunteers for their year-round effort and continuous support. Parents and staff gathered to share the joyous moment with a festive breakfast and mini Christmas bazaar selling lovely holiday gifts, homemade cookies, toys and clothes.

Inclusion Week - 17 October 2019

Students from the Primary Student Council, Primary Sustainability Team and three Secondary students (Shevaun Yip, Ryan Tse – both Year 11 and Minji Ho Year 13) talked about inclusion and how the community supports and encourages each other.

Welcome - 18 September 2019

RAPT hosted its first Coffee Morning of the term. Representatives from RAPT and 2019 College Fair Committee talked about various ways parents can get involved in school.

Year 10 Personal Project - 3 June 2019

Topic was presented by MYP Personal Project Coordinator Ms. Michelle Roberts to illustrate ways to develop the student’s personal interest through the MYP’s Approaches to Learning.

Transition - 29 May 2019

This was the discussion of the transition from Year 6 to 7 which was led by Ms. Amanda Chapman, the Secondary Principals and a panel of current Year 7 parents.

Testing Anxiety - 28 March 2019

The Associate Clinician of the Jadis Blurton Family Development Centre, Ms. Marianne Lagutaine, presented 10 coping strategies to help our students overcome test anxiety.

Upcoming Changes in MYP & DP Curricula - 27 February 2019

This information session led by Head of Secondary Ms. Natasha Williams gave an overview of the MYP and DP curricula changes to be implemented.

CAS - 22 January 2019

The talk was led by our LET teachers Jerry Carroll Jr. and Emily Dygve, who gave insight to how parents can help their kids organise their work, manage time better and support their children learning at home.

Thank You - 6 December 2018

RAPT sponsored this special Coffee Morning to thank all volunteers for their year-round effort to make RCHK thrive. The event was attended by more than 60 parents and staff who celebrated the huge success of 2018 College Fair with a festive breakfast and mini Christmas bazaar.

Chinese Language and Learning - 19 November 2018

Over 50 parents attended a talk led by Head of Secondary Natasha Williams, Primary Vice Principal Joanne Ferrari and Chinese language leaders Ning Dong and Eilin Tan. The workshop informed the parents about updates to the IB language policies.

ICT - 25 October 2018

The ICT session was presented by Ms. Ania Zielinska, Vice Principal of learning technologies and her team, followed by an informative Q&A and visit at the Red Door Centre.

Welcome - 27 September 2018

The “Welcome” Coffee Morning was well attended by over 40 parents and guardians. Representatives from the Fair Committee talked about the preparation of College Fair. We would also like to thank Ms. Jen Dentry for her presentation on “Positive Parenting”.

FE Workshops

Year 11 IBDP Subject Choices - 23 October 2019

Year 11 parents, guardians and students consulted with our Further Education Career Advisors about courses available.

University Applications - 11 September 2019

Parents and guardians joined us for a comprehensive overview on how to guide their children for a successful university application. The comprehensive overview was shared by our FE Counsellors.

Welcome Back BBQ - August 2018

Each year when the return to school rolls around, RAPT throws a Welcome Back BBQ for staff members. Great food, great company!

Volunteers Appreciation Lunch - June 2018

The annual Volunteers Appreciation Lunch is thrown by RAPT to thank all of the volunteers who help out with RAPT events.

Joyful Fruit Day - April 2018

Joyful Fruit Day is organised by the Nutriagent Team, consisting of parents/guardians, teachers and students. Joyful Fruit Day is held in April every year to promote a healthy diet in the school community. Through food, games and other fun activities, RCHK is encouraged to eat healthy and delicious fruits and to encourage home-school cooperation.

College Fair - December 2018

The RCHK College Fair is a major event in both the college and the local Ma On Shan communities. Organised by RAPT, this colourful event is the preeminent fundraiser for Renaissance College. Not only does the fair bring families together for a day of fun-filled activities, money spent on the fair day benefit RCHK students through new facilities, equipment and learning supplies. Find out more about the College Fair here!

Thank You Lunch - December 2018

Every year, RAPT invites the RCHK support staff, Blue Team and Chartwells to a thank you lunch, to thank them for their hard work and support during the College Fair.

Second Hand Uniform Sales

Uniforms seem to be an endless cycle of buying and kids growing out of them, and RAPT would like to help with this cycle to promote sustainability.

RAPT holds Secondhand Uniform Sales several times a year (including during the annual College Fair). All the proceeds are donated to LIRC to purchase resources for the library.

RAPT Jam - May 2018

RAPT Jam is a new activity held by the association. It aims to bring parents who have strong interests and expertise in various aspects. Through interesting workshops, we bring together parents/guardians as housewives, working moms and dads to share jewellery, floral arrangement, arts and crafts as well as cooking festive of foods etc.

DIY Jewellery Workshop May 19, 2017 & June 22, 2017
Take a look at our very first ever DIY Jewellery workshop led by our parent, Phoebe Ngai, who enjoys working with various gemstones and crystal in her spare time and would love to share her interest with our members on some bracelets and earrings making.

Introduction to FE Department – 21 May 2019

The FE Workshop conducted by our Further Education Department gave a comprehensive introduction to upper Secondary parents on support and advice the students receive that help them identify further education opportunities.

University Applications – 21 March 2019

The FE Workshop on “How to Prepare for Year 13” was well attended with close to 40 parents participating in the event. The FE Counsellors provided a comprehensive overview on the Year 13 timeline and resource platforms for researching universities and courses.

IBDP Subject Choices – 28 November 2018

The talk was led by our Further Education Counsellors, Ms. Martha DeVries, Ms. Suman Sachdev and Ms. Ku Ku Cheung. Parents were given tips on how to guide their children through the process of selecting Higher-Level subjects, plan for college and use the right university search platforms.

Overview of Deadlines – 5 September 2018

The Further Education team went over the University Application Process of Year 13 students. During the session Dr. Brown also shared with parents the importance of students’ wellbeing in the process.

Special Events

Sew for Australia Fundraiser - 15 January 2020

On 15 January 2020, RAPT committee members and our dedicated parents gathered at Red Door Centre all day to crochet, knit and sew, creating nests and joey pouches to help our little mates Down Under suffering from the current fires. ESF’s CEO Belinda Greer even stopped by to say hello. Thank you to everyone who donated their time and talent. Shout out to RAPT parent member Audrey Mah for coordinating this creative and meaningful event.

Family Fun Day - 1 May 2018

RAPT Family Fun Day was held on Tuesday 1 May, 2018 (Public Holiday). It entailed an excursion to 2 outlying islands in Mirs Bay: Tung Ping Chau and Tap Mun. Everyone had a great time!

"Big Ten" Bowl Feast - 24 March 2017

In honour of RCHK’s 10th anniversary, RAPT hosted the “Big TEN” Feast 2017 (Pun Choi) on 24 March 2017, 7pm-9pm on the basketball court. Fifty tables filled with delicious food were set up to celebrate the RCHK community.

RAPT Volunteering at School-run Events

Second-Hand Uniform Sales - October 2019

A total of HK$9,300 has been raised from the Second-Hand Uniform sales on 30 and 31 October. Many thanks to parents and students who chose to donate their outgrown uniforms. All proceeds will go to LIRC to enhance the resources of our library. Don’t worry, if you missed this round of sales, you may still buy second-hand uniforms from the Pre-loved Stall at our College Fair on Saturday 30 November; and we are still accepting donations! If the items that do not fit anymore are gently used, please consider dropping them off at the donation boxes located in the Reception Office. We believe that this action not only saves us money, it also helps build a more sustainable living community; while benefiting our students!

Walk For Change - March 2018

In March, every student from Year 1 to Year 13, along with every teacher at Renaissance College, takes part in our annual ‘Walk for Change’. Walk for Change is an annual fundraising event.

RAPT recruits parent/guardian volunteers to help with the logistics of the event as well as serving hot dogs.

Service Fair - August 2018

Service Fair is an annual event in August for secondary students to understand more about the CAS programme provided by the school and other NGOs. The College Fair Preparatory Committee has a counter for secondary students to sign up as volunteers to help support the annual fundraising event in school.

Parent Information Evening - August to September 2017

RAPT sponsors the refreshments for the two primary back-to-school nights in August and secondary back-to-school night in September. RAPT’s representatives and volunteers talk to the parents, answer questions and recruit new parent volunteers.

Healthy Food Sales

Terry Fox Run Healthy Snack Sale - November 2016

RAPT members sold delicious healthy snacks during the Terry Fox Run, to both help raise money for the Terry Fox Run cause and to encourage healthy eating and exercise.

ACAMIS Bake Sale - October 2015

The ACAMIS Bake Sale was held by RAPT members to raise money for RCHK Sports.


Results for the IB Diploma (IBDP) Course Programmes and Career-related Programmes (IBCP) 2024 announced!