Learn from Specialist Teachers

You and your child can take part in learning with videos and activities created by our specialist teachers. Our specialist teachers use unique learning techniques that provide support and guidance to our students which then help them to achieve their goals.

⚽ Move your body with Mrs. Melinda Hand, our Primary PE and Sports Coordinator.
Mrs. Hand Says – Just like Simon Says but better
Mrs. Hand Says – Practice being balanced
Mrs. Hand Says – Practice your dancing skills

Mr. Garcia's music class

Play a non standard music score with Mr. Garcia, our Year 1 Music teacher.

ESF Renaissance College Hong Kong 發佈於 2020年5月21日星期四
Ms. Psillides's Visual Arts class

Create your very own ‘Pasta Person’ with Ms. Psillides, our Year 1 Visual Arts teacher.

ESF Renaissance College Hong Kong 發佈於 2020年5月21日星期四


Results for the IB Diploma (IBDP) Course Programmes and Career-related Programmes (IBCP) 2024 announced!